BlueCielo Kronodoc 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About importing properties from Excel

About importing properties from Excel

The optional Mass Update add-on enables you to import updates to document properties from an Excel spreadsheet. This allows you to edit properties offline in tabular format, which is useful for updating properties from external sources, for example, scheduling systems or supplier document management systems. The Mass Update add-on also enables you to export document property values from Kronodoc to an Excel worksheet. This can be useful to create a list of documents and their properties to be updated by external sources before you import the changes back into Kronodoc. Both operations are configured using mapping templates that specify which Kronodoc properties correspond to which Excel columns.


Working with the Mass Update add-on is described in the following topics.

Related concepts

Working with the Clipboard

Related tasks

Creating and editing mapping templates

Exporting property values

Importing property values

Changing the properties of items on the Clipboard

Resolving common problems with Mass Update

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